
KUITY's pioneering philanthropy practice developed and spun out the following services under Posiba.

  • Datas, a data service for the social sector—foundations, government, nonprofits, researchers and individual donors. Datas’ mission is to measure social conditions and progress. Specifically, Datas democratizes access to information by collecting and curating data—from hundreds of thousands of public, private and crowd-originated sources—and bringing tools, analytics and crowd-sourced intelligence together to help the social sector make a bigger, collective positive difference.

  • givn, created to activate more individual giving and satisfaction by hacking the friction of choice and trust and thereby elevating “growing the pie” of philanthropic giving. Specifically, givn provides donors a personal and portable giving legacy portfolio, including newly developed “vanguard index-like” theme based charitable gift baskets, marketed through employers under a SaaS and transaction fee model and supporting employer need to engage their employees thru the causes that matter to them. 

Contact us to learn more.